This is our tech spec doc.


Our Tech Foundation

Our project is using node.js (v16.20.1) and yarn (1.22.19)

Keep a

Keep a Changelog

A changelog should be maintained to document all changes introduced into the codebase and should be updated as part of the final step in each pull request process.

Criteria - Branch types can be one of:


Format of the branch name is {feat, fix, refactor}/{your_modification}****


  1. Fetch the newest master: git pull origin master
  2. From master branch checkout your branch in this format: {feat, fix, refactor}/{your_modification}
  3. Before you start coding, make a temporary update in and make a commit, then push the branch onto remote and create pull request
  4. Work on your task and commit code incrementally and push to remote
  5. Update [](<>) when all code is done, in accordance to Semantic Versioning, and
  6. When task is finished, fetch new master: git checkout master && git pull origin master and rebase: git checkout <your branch> && git rebase master